We are knocking things off the list bit by bit. All lines have been attended to, the hour meter and fuel gauge have been added. Now the wind is blowing hard and the main sail still isn't on and the chance of that happening today is slim. We are staying at the dock for a couple more days. We have new foot peddles to install for the anchor windless. The first picture is Brian in the v-berth doing the wiring on the windless. Don't you love how I use the ....we ..... for all these projects I have next to no input. We took the wind speed indicator down off the mast and took it to see who could fix it. We were almost laughed at. It is over 20 years old and can't be fixed. So probably no wind instruments this year.
We had a friend John Fallon over for dinner last night and had a great time. I have a new one pot chicken dish that I've made twice. That will be my new company dinner recipe. Spence's and Marshall's be prepared.
The day's go quickly I can hardly believe a month is nearly gone. We have news it is snowing in London and we sure don't miss that. Just now as I am writing a big cloud burst went by and I have run and shut hatches. The joy here never ends.
Sounds like you guys need a Holiday! As for that WE infection you have on your boat Zingara has the same infection on her. A good cure is a COLD beer severed with a smile at the right moment.