
Sunday, 11 November 2012

Boat yard views

Today we took some pictures of the views on the walk from the hotel to the boat. It was a very quiet place today being Sunday but tomorrow it will be a bustling with work men,power tools, the travel lift and the chickens. Yes we have a chicken and a lazy old dog under our boat from time to time. Today was a typically hot day but a beautiful breeze was constant all day. That was a good thing since we had a very busy physical labour day. We finished preparing the bottom for painting tomorrow. The grounding plate was encrusted with barnacles and a real pain to chisel off. That was one of my jobs a short girls job for sure. Then I laid on the deck and scraped off the Aku Tiki 11 decals on both sides. It would seem nothing is easy. All the while Brian was on his hands and knees scraping and reprinting the bottom of the keel.

1 comment:

  1. You need a Sling Shot for those free range chickens. The dog might be a different story.
    Zingara is torn apart for Winter projects. Hope you make your Wednesday launch date.
