Well our saga for this season seems to be wrapped up and we are fully rigged and have anchored in the bay after a test sail. Friday afternoon the mast went up and we moved onto a dock for a few days of pulling things together. We got the furling on Sat am and worked the rest of the day getting the running rigging installed (all the lines). Sunday we got the sails on and some work on the dinghy davits. Then Monday am we got the reef lines attached and got a few supplies and we left the dock at 3:00. We had a lovely sail around the bay and made several successful tacks and anchored right back in our two month spot. All systems seem to working well. Ullie the installer of this whole mess wants to come for a shake down sail before we leave so maybe in a day or so. It was good just to have the two of us onboard to try to remember how to sail before inviting the expert. Don't want to look too inept with a professional onboard. We will probably leave on Thurs when the winds are predicted to be right and not too much swell. We will get to Martinique and spend a couple days visiting with the friends that left in Dec and get supplies ....... wine and cheese etc. Then we are off to join Dawn and Laurie in Dominica and will work our way back down the islands with them.

It really has been a stressful experience not one I want to relive. But we are set now and have almost two months left to enjoy.
One last thing to do before we leave......pay the bill!
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