Been a busy past few days with getting the boat ready to launch. The rudder repair went well but being a last minute thing it puts everyone's schedule behind. At 8:00 Thursday morning we were ready. The launch was smooth as always the boatyard is very good at what they do. The company replacing the rigging was there to help pull the mast. There were four of them, four guys from the yard and Brian on the deck and I was trying to stay out of the way passing tools as needed. It was very stressful as the mast had probably not been pulled in 20 odd years and salt water and corrosion had set in. After considerable banging and prying it released and was lifted. Once we were in the water and they lifted the dinghy off and we were free to go as a motor boat with a sky light.

Once we were at the dock the settling in started. Trevor made a delivery of frozen food from his place, we filled up the propane tank and ready to relax. The barrel arrived in perfect condition and we have found a home for everything. Amazing how easily we found space. Can I bring more?????

It has been raing most of yesterday,all night and all of today. We have discovered a few more leaks and are working at stemming them. We are going to help sail Saltscar III to Martinque on Sunday if it stops raining. It will not be pleasant if it keeps up like it is now. This is just outside the Bread Basket where we are having coffee this morning. Of course all the debris is washing down into the lagoon, very remeniscient of Kettle Creek on Lake Erie, colour and all! Forecast humidex of 38C, 100% humidity. Anybody feeling sorry for us yet?
I cannot seem to be able to place pics in the proper order to make sense with the text. I do apologize.
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