When we are on the dock there is very little going on around us and a lot of jobs got done but it makes for a pretty boring blog. But we have moved out in the bay on Monday and will bring you up to date. We did get a lot of jobs done and things are looking good. We have been having a difficult time with our fridge and it was running all the time and not really keeping up but using a lot of battery power. We had another service call on it and all is working so Brian took on the challenge of adding more insulation to it. We bought a 4x8 sheet of 3/4 inch foil sided foam board and Brian cut and taped the pieces on the sides as best as he could get at. We have been able to dial back the fridge and it is colder than ever. Success! The main sail was repaired and reinstalled. The canvas was cleaned. Brian finally got the frozen turnbuckle on the rod rigging( just the supports for the mast) to move. An other cruiser we met in the Saintes previously had a C&C 38 and he helped Brian for a couple days trying to get the rigging tuned. But without all the turnbuckles moving it can't be properly tuned. So now with everything moving it is as tuned as best he knows. The instrument situation should be resolved tomorrow when we go into the marina again (only for a few hours) to have them installed. So we are just about ship shape again! We have company coming on the 28th and will take Serge to Martinique for some open ocean sailing and a taste of the cruising life. He is our only company this year and we are looking forward to it.
While in the bay we have had a couple of beautiful neighbours come and go. The views you have to put up with!

This morning we have an outing planned with the gang we play with. It is to the Pink Planation a restaurant in a lovely garden setting overlooking the ocean. More pictures to follow on that.
This week was my birthday and it was certainly not the joyous event it usually is,we got word that Brian's mother passed away the morning of the 18th. She was three weeks short of her 95th birthday and went very quickly and peacefully. What more could you ask for. She was a wonderful women and a good friend to me,we will certainly miss her. We will have a Celebration of her Life when we return in May as was previously discussed amougst Brian and his brothers.
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