
Thursday, 5 December 2013

The canvas work in progress

We had decided after last year our canvas work needed replacing. Well it really decided for us. Much like a new roof on your house you don't want to do it, don't want to spend the money but low and behold when it starts leaking and ruins a ceiling you just have to do. Well this season as we started putting things together a zipper wouldn't zip, a window fell out and there were more leaks that you could dodge. We zip tied the window in and sewed and zip tied the zipper shut and hoped it would hold together to get here. So after some investigation we made our way here to Bequia where a company came quite highly recommended. We can now see why! Monday morning Avell came to the boat ... on time with notebook in hand and came up with a plan. Tuesday morning he called and needed confirmation of fabric for the sunshade. Wed morning he installed the completed bimini without side curtains yet. Today they were here by 8:45 and the dodger template is being constructed. They make it out of a light weight plastic. The bimini (the back cockpit roof ) is almost 18 inches higher and about a foot wider. It looks like we have a new living room I ...all 5ft 2in of me can stand up straight. As well Brian can also. He adjusted the support system for the wind generator to accomplish the wider area. It will keep out so much more sun and rain. So far we are very impressed and amazed at their good fast work. Usually everything is very much island maybe tomorrow and maybe next week. But not these guys! So we are sticking fairly close to the boat for the last couple days while they work. You can see some winkles in new navy canvas but no front supports have been added. Finally some fun boat work that looks good. The new instruments are of course a good investment and sure made the sail here more enjoyable. All for now and more pictures when everything is completed. 
Peace out

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