
Tuesday, 19 March 2013

A Drift in the Anchorage

What a wonderful birthdayI have had. Started with champagne and orange juice and presents and cards. Champagne and porridge are an unlikely combination but good just the same. There was wonderful rainbow and we saw a large turtle swimming by the boat. We dinghied into Marin for a few purchases and had a great spare rib lunch. The morning started out overcast and a heavy rain passed through about 6am. Then around 3:00 is was looking grey again and a couple tiny showers. I was concerned the dinghy drift might be cancelled but in true Caribbean fashion just wait 15 mins and it will clear up. We packed our treats and went off in search of our friends. Two boats were tied together and I was greeted with a full size rum cake baked by Marsha on Crusader. A special treat! I welcomed everyone with champagne and before long the were 11 boats in total. We drifted along and as we came to close to a boat or anchor lines one boat would start their engine and guide us away.Barbara used her umbrella for shade and a sail to keep us moving. Many boats that had people in the cockpit joined into the fun with a toast to the birthday girl...... one man on a French boat jumped into his dinghy and brought me a bottle of wine. We had such a fun time and were back home by 7:10 and in bed by 8:30 exhausted. So I don't think I this will be a birthday I soon forget!

PS: Lorna has just worn out her best screen poking finger reading all the Facebook salutations that she received. There seemed to be over 100. Our girls felt they could share the love by asking al their Facebook friends to send their mother a birthday greeting. It worked! She was thrilled.

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