
Saturday 13 December 2014

Sitting in the Bay

We got off the dock and onto the anchor out in the bay on Thursday last week as we had hoped. The air is so much better and of course a swim off the back is always a welcome relief in the heat. The barnacles sure started to take hold in only the one month at the dock. We are anchored just off the finish line of the ARC and the boats have been arriving daily. At least 10-12 daily. Some are huge boats with 18 or more crew and some are small with maybe two or three crew. They left the Canary Islands about the 24th of Nov. So the marina is buzzing with activity, vendors, music etc and we are happy to be out. Pics are just a couple random ARC boats. 

We have been working away on the many jobs while we wait for rigging. We have heard nothing yet and as it gets closer to Christmas we know there will be down days. But it is certainly a great place to be stuck in. Last week as we were preparing to go to anchor Brian checked the anchors and the lid of the anchor locker came off in his hand. There were 24 screws holding the piano hinge and there were 3 left dangling. It so easily could have been lifted by a wave and lost had we been sailing. 

The weather has been so quiet for the last few days almost no winds at all and almost no rain. Nice and peaceful but not good for making energy. But keeping the fridge going has been so much better due to Brian's enhancements last season with the insulation. Even though we turn it off at night the ice cubes at the top don't totally melt by morning. Meat in the bottom is still frozen. So we are getting somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. Barnacles already??? I hope Brian has put on his snorkel gear and picked them off once you are out at anchor. It's great to hear you are finally out on the hook at least. That probably helps on the wallet too.
