We were invited to a BBQ on the beach where Time after Time (Al and Francine) carried in a charcoal BBQ and we cooked our own meat and shared salads. A fun change.
A bus trip was planned to a Jab Jab camp up in the mountains. The bus trip took 45 mins and when I asked the distance he laughed and said 9 miles of mountain climbing and switch backs. Jab Jab is a native cultural art of dance,music,applying blackening makeup in preparation for Carnival and parades. At the camp we learned to make Oil Down a big pot of stew with lots of vegetables, salt fish, chicken,pigs feet and other things I didn't want to know. It was fun to watch the preparation and be involved with the chopping and chatting with other cruisers. It took about 3 hours to cook and really was pretty good. In the morning I found my fingernails well stained with the amount of turmeric added. You really had to pick through for the bones. A fun evening for sure.
Getting the seasonings on.
The finished product.
Laurie really wanted us to try this hike up in the mountains at Grand Etang. So we packed our lunches and extra water and headed off on two buses. Unfortunately it has been raining for the past few days .....never good for a hike! We got started but the mud was deep and very slippery. A couple was heading out and said they were giving up and going back. I was the only one to have a small fall (not hurt but muddy). We took a stairway to a lookout and had to call it a day. The views were lovely and sad to not finish. Bit hard to tell but that's the mud in trails with Al marching on.
Happier hikers finding cold beer and a cheap lunch. Al and Michelle introduced us to a great restaurant in St Georges so not a bust for sure.

We are now in Tyrell Bay in Carricou. We are at the back of the pack looking into open ocean not someone else's boat. Laurie calls us the Walmart greeters we are so far out. We will remain here until Thursday or Friday before heading to Bequai for an overnight before St Lucia.
Take care all.